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Let the Baby Dancing (BD) Begin!

Man with women riding on his back both are joyful

May 7, 2017 – Come on Stevie Wonder, sing it to me! Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me!! FOB took me out for my birthday. I'm 46 today. I swear I don't know where the time gone and I don't feel a day over 32. Buhahaha!

We ran all over the city for my birthday. He bought me a new day pack for hiking. I love the REI store. I got to try on different packs and FOB loaded them down with weights and had me "test" them out in the store. He seems to take a little too much joy in weighing down my pack. Apparently, I'm an over packer and this is good practice. I think it's biological. Women are gatherers, right?

We head out for drinks and dinner. We meet some random family at the bar. The mom and dad are with their daughter, they exploring living options for her in the city. They live in Long Island, apparently the swanky part. They are fascinated with FOB and I. I don't know if it is the interracial thing or our personalities and dynamic or both. But they end up inviting us out their place in Long Island. I try to talk FOB into singing a duet with the couples daughter. He isn't having it. Aww, man. Maybe Little Shop of Horrors isn't what I remember it to be? Feed me, Seymour!

FOB and I finish at the bar and head a table for dinner. We talked about the baby. He said we should try again. What??? Did he JUST read my mind? I was going to say that to him! Yes, yes…a thousand times yes! (In retrospect, there was a LOT of wine involved in this conversation. I would later wonder if I "misremembered.")

I am so excited that we're talking about making a baby! I don’t mention that I went a bit #teamtoomuch and bought a book called Making Babies and another one called Taking Charge of Your Fertility. No need to scare him. He said let’s make a baby, so there you go! Baby dance, still a little post miscarriage blood, dark brown. It wasn’t quite two weeks, but what can I say? I can’t keep my hands off of him. LOL!

Had maca root in a protein shake later at home. I've read that it is good for hormonal balance. I'm consuming as much content on fertility, as I can. I want to try to keep it as natural as possible and transform into my best self, physically, mentally and spiritually.

Lots of sex, good eating, and zen? That's good living!

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